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Today's affirmation : I am increasing my prosperity every day! 

Positive self-talk, or affirmations, are powerful!

When done consistently over a period of time, positive self-talk can completely reprogram your subconscious mind, which determines that actions you take.

So in other words, want to change your actions? Change what you say to yourself.

Simple but not easy…or is it?

Our mind–its thoughts, beliefs, biases–form the foundations of our actions.

Basically, we are programmed by our experiences.

Positive results and encouragement embolden us to do more of the actions that bring us beneficial outcomes.

The opposite is true as well, negative results from past efforts keep us from attempting similar experiences for fear of failing again.

Your success is defined and restricted by the programs you have now, and by new programs that are yet to be set. Question is, what kind of self-talker are you?

Focusing on the negative strengthens our mindsets to become resistant to growth and change.

Reprogramming your brain with self-talk scripts would change this:

Bad Thoughts → Incorrect Actions → Bad Results,

Into this:

Good Thoughts → Correct Actions → Good Results.

People who are masters at positive self-talk have motivation in spades, get more done, and exude confidence.

They are not more experienced, more knowledgeable, or luckier.

Positive self-talkers have found a way to motivate themselves, keep their focus on the prize, and exert the effort to achieve their set goal.

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